Homelessness Prevention

Emergency Services: rent, utility, & deposit assistance

Are your rent and utility bills past due? Are you struggling to pay a deposit? Emergency Services can provide financial assistance for rent, utilities, and deposits for those who qualify.

Call Emergency Services for assistance:

  • Lincoln: 402-471-4515
  • Saunders and rural Lancaster Counties: 402-277-7330

Through case management, including budgeting assistance, we can help you avoid homelessness and get back on track as you work toward economic stability.

Community Action's Emergency Services program is now an All Doors Lead Home Coordinated Entry Open Door. For questions about Coordinated Entry, call (402) 471-4515.

Inability to pay rent and utilities has been identified as one of the main causes of homelessness in our community. Through the provision of one-time financial assistance, Community Action immediately prevents households from entering into homeless situations, and through case management ensures that they will remain in stable, long-term housing.

Individuals receiving assistance through our Emergency Services program work with a member of our Emergency Services team on increasing housing stability through the support of case management. Driven by passion and knowledge of community resources, our Emergency Services team is dedicated to providing immediate assistance to individuals facing homelessness and supporting them as they work toward long-term economic stability.

How to Apply

Households must complete an application over the phone to be eligible by calling 402-471-4515 and following the prompts for the appropriate needs office.

When applying over the phone, please be prepared to leave a phone message for the Emergency Services staff and someone will return your call as soon as possible. Calls will be returned in the order that they are received, Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm, each week. 

Applicants will be notified by phone of the outcome of their application. 

Want to Know More?

If you would like to know more about Community Action's Emergency Services program, or have a question regarding eligibility, please contact:

Sarah Fentress (she, her, hers)
Emergency Services Administrator
(402) 875-9392

Saunders and rural Lancaster Counties:
Jenise Kouma (she, her, hers)
(402) 277-7330