Hunger Relief and Healthy Food Access

Healthy Food Access

Healthy Food Access (HFA) is a collaborative project between Community Action and the Food Bank of Lincoln to increase access to healthy foods in Lincoln, particularly for children living in the city's highest needs neighborhoods. The project responds to a need to connect children to foods that will support their long-term development and health. It is made possible by Community Health Endowment of Lincoln (CHE), and was selected as one of two "legacy projects" to celebrate their 20th anniversary.

Here are the two ways this project is providing healthy food to Lincoln:

  • A 5,000 square foot commercial kitchen has been constructed at Community Action's 210 O Street location. The Healthy Food Access Kitchen is used by Lone Tree Foods, a local food sales and distribution company, to store and package locally sourced foods (produce, meats, and cheeses) to healthcare facilities, schools, and retail markets. 
  • The Lincoln Fresh truck, operated by the Food Bank, delivers fresh produce to Lincoln's highest needs neighborhoods (including those with high poverty rates, high obesity rates, and low access to healthy foods, as highlighted in CHE's Place Matters study). As many as 3,000 pounds of fresh produce are delivered each week.

This project is the first step in a larger movement to connect those with the greatest risk for health disparities to the foods they need to thrive. To read more about the program, and learn about how you can play a role in ensuring healthy food access for all, download our 2020 Healthy Food Access Assessment and Recommendations Report

To access free fruits and vegetables through Lincoln Fresh:

View Lincoln Fresh’s route on the Food Bank’s website.

For accessing food throughout Southeast Nebraska:

View the Food Bank of Lincoln's mobile distribution schedule.

To learn more about the Summer Food Service Program: 

Visit the program page on the Food Bank's website.

Interested in learning more or sharing ideas?
